Beware Terminix “FREE” Termite Inspections

If you’re searching online for a quality, affordable termite inspection, you might have come across something like, Rid your home of termites. Contact Terminix today for a FREE termite inspection! Though this offer sounds great at first, many have been conned into the Terminix trap with this so-called “free” termite inspection, later to discover severe, costly consequences.

free termite insepction

A Free Termite Inspection from Terminix

Will Cost You Big Time

Terminix promises quality, affordable pest control services. Unfortunately, though they sometimes provide a free termite inspection without up-front cost, Terminix customers end up paying big time — often costing homeowners thousands of dollars. Here’s how:

  • Poor-quality inspections — Terminix pest inspectors often perform very limited inspections, over-looking fundamental areas such as attics and crawl spaces. They are also known to hide termite infestations and costly damage, especially if found after they supposedly treated the property.
  • Sub-standard exterminations and treatments — Once a person signs a contract with Terminix, they are provided periodic termite treatments that are supposed to prevent termite infestation. Many Terminix professionals cut corners during this process, failing to protect the property, leading to a need for costly re-treatment.
  • Use of dangerous chemicals — There are many cases brought against Terminix for use of dangerous chemicals resulting in serious illness and hospitalization, often causing life-changing disability and thousands in medical debt.
  • Failure to accept responsibility — Customers of Terminix often discover termites and damage while under contract. When this happens, Terminix does everything possible to evade liability, even though the damage could have been prevented if proper procedures had been followed.

Considering all these things, are Terminix termite inspections really “free?” Once a client is hooked by these initial inspections, they later discover thousands of dollars in hidden costs related to poor service, severe medical complications, and failure to resolve complaints before they become huge, costly problems.

If you have been wronged by Terminix or another termite company, you don't have to fight alone.